The Mental Game [4 of 4]: Kyle Dietz | A Fighter on the Run
World of Adventure | :60 Stories
Having been an MMA fighter Kyle Dietz has taken his share of punches. So what could be more painful than fighting in an MMA fight? Possibly attempting to run the Waitukubuli Trail in Dominica. :60 Story.
Up Next in World of Adventure | :60 Stories
Breakthrough Moment [1 of 4]: Rush St...
Growing up on the river, it is no surprise that Rush Sturges is the kayaking legend that he is today, but he wasn't always sure that was the life he wanted. Learn how he discovered his passion for kayaking in this :60 Story.
Breakthrough Moment [2 of 4]: Phil Ha...
Sometimes a change of scenery is all you need to take it to the next level. For Phil it was throwing everything he could in the back of his Subaru and heading to Washington. Take a look at his Breakthrough Moment in this :60 Story.
Breakthrough Moment [3 of 4]: Johnny ...
A family that skis together becomes pros together... or at least that's how it worked in the Collinson family. See how growing up together in Little Cottonwood Canyon made Johnny and his sister Angel two of the most dynamic backcountry skiers around, in this Breakthrough Moment // :60 Story